gm2calc is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

GM2Calc online

Here the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be calculated online with GM2Calc 2.3.0.

MSSM SLHA-1 input

Please provide an SLHA-1 input in the following text field.

We strongly discourage passing an SLHA-2 input file to GM2Calc. The reason is, that GM2Calc interprets the PDG numbers 1000013, 2000013 and 1000014 in the MASS block as the two smuon and the muon sneutrino pole masses, respectively. In an SLHA-2 compliant input file, however, it is not ensured, that these PDG numbers correspond to the two smuon and the muon sneutrino pole masses, because of possibly allowed slepton flavour violation.

MSSM GM2Calc-specific input

Please provide the GM2Calc-specific input in the following text field:

2HDM input

Please provide the 2HDM-specific input in the following text field: